“miss lin, could you please introduce yourself?”(林小姐,你能先简短的介绍下自己么?”)
“sure,hello the friends of xxx website,i am Hanshuang Lin, and i am a mother of a six-year old boy, he is very quilt and i love him very much, and he is smart and very , I have two babies on the way,I love them as much as my little son.”(大家好,xxx网站的朋友们大家好,我叫林寒霜,是一个母亲,我有一个六岁多的儿子,是一个很懂事的好孩子,我很爱他,他已经上小学了,另外,我肚子里现在还有两个孩子,他们四个多月了,我对他们的爱,也是一样的)。
“wow,your oral english is owe some,brilliant.”(哇,林小姐的口语真的太棒了)
“Thank you.”(谢谢)林寒霜笑。
“So,how about your job, you are a lawyer?”(“所以,能谈一下你的工作吗?你是一位律师?”)
“oh yeah, I am!I want to be a lawyer when I was a little girl, In the encouragement of my father eventually I graduated from B university majoring in law, engaged in a lawyer, I think I would have been stick regardless of the future what happens”(“是的,我还是个小女孩的时候就梦想成为一个律师,那样我就可以惩罚恶人了,在家人的特别是爸爸的支持下,我考上了b大法律系,毕业后成为了一个律师,今后应该不会有什么事能阻挡我做律师的路,我会坚决的走下去!”)
“What kind of person is your husband?”(你老公是个什么样的人?)
被问到徐从之,林寒霜转头看向他,然后微笑着对will说:“I think he is a big boy. He is a very individual man. Although there are many bad habits in his life,there is a word in China that is called a straight man but it is different from your country, it is a special word to describe masculinity versus men. He is a typical straight man. This word is not a good word, but I think it is very appropriate, haha, although I still love him very much.”(我想他是个大男孩儿,是个很有个性的男人,虽然生活中有很多男人的毛病,中国有个词叫直男,不是你们国家对那种与gay相对对直男,而是一种形容有大男子主义的男人,对,他就是那种典型的直男,这个词不算什么好词,但我觉得还是非常贴切的,哈哈,虽然这样,我还是很爱他)。
“What do you think about the evaluation of you now?”(对于现在大家对你们对评价,你是怎么看的?)will继续问,今天对重点其实是问下如何面对大众对舆论。
“I understand that you are referring to online public opinion. Since I married my husband, I have become a very hot focus of sorts of objects. Although I don't want it, the fact is! if you ask about my views on malicious slander, it is very simple. Laws, don't forget, I am a lawyer. If a lawyer can't use legal weapons to protect her own reputation and interests, then this lawyer should resign because she is not worthy of this title, huh, huh.”(我明白,你指的是网上对舆论,自从我嫁给我老公之后,便成了大家关注对对象,虽然我不想,可事实就是这样,如果问我对那些恶意中伤的看法,很简单,诉诸法律,别忘了,我可是个律师,如果一个律师都不能使用法律武器保护自己的名誉和利益,那这个律师应该辞职,因为她不值得这个头衔)。