“yes, as your research partners, professor sith and i are very gd to share the experience we’ve auuted previoly i hope you won’t d her callg the ‘nts’(对啊,作为你的科研同伴,sith教授和我都非常乐意分享给你我们之前积累的经验。我希望你不介意她把那些称作“意见”。)
“no, no,”(不,不)婧芝微笑着摇摇头,“defitely not”(当然不。)
“here’s a py of your draft”(这是一份你的手稿。)说完,老教授从桌上拿起一份事先打印好的文件递给婧芝。
几分钟过后,见婧芝看得差不多了,老教授解释说“as you can see, the sentences with red double les are those we thk it’s better to delete you know, verbose sentences which we thk are unnecessary”(正如你所看到的,那些带红色双线的句子是我们认为最好要删去的。你知道的,都是些冗长的句子,我们认为它们是多余的。)
“yes, please bear d that we should avoid writg eless words an acadeic paper”(是呀,请牢牢记住我们应该避免写无用的词在一篇学术文章里。)fischer博士补充说。
“i’ve got it”(我知道了。)说着,婧芝非常诚恳地点点头。
老教授满意地点点头,继续说“very good that’s very clear to see apart fro that, so sentences are bule they are y opions, jt so plents which i believe should be volved you ay have a look at the ter by yourself, becae they are not difficult to understand, i thk but if you do need y help, you ay send an eail is that ok for you?(非常好。那很容易看明白。除此之外,有一些句子是蓝色的。它们是我的想法,只是一些我认为有必要涉及到的补充。你可以晚些时候自己看一下它们,因为它们不难懂,我想。但是如果你确实需要帮助,你可以给我发一封电子邮件。这样对你来说可以吗?)
老教授点点头,看向fischer博士,对她说“it’s your turn”(该你了。)
fischer博士也对着老教授点点头,再转过脸来,对婧芝说“the green sentences are e they are what i thk you should ntion the paper they are very iportant fact, you’ve ignored o res now, i’ gog to provide you with so details, apart fro what i already typed the draft please take down what i’d like you to ver this paper there’re o books that i’d like you to read, which can be certaly found the library(那些绿色的句子是我的。那是我希望你在文章中提到的。它们非常重要。实际上,你忽略了两个核心。现在,除了我已经输入草稿的内容,我要给你提供一些细节。请记下来我想让你在这篇文章中涉及的。有两本书我想让你读一下,它们在图书馆里一定可以被找到的。)
“i will, i proise”(我会的,我保证。)婧芝信誓旦旦地说。
“good, let’s beg now, the first issg re retes a very traditional paper……”(好,让我们开始吧。现在,第一个缺少的重点有关一篇非常古老的文章……)
“that’s all i’d like to say about your draft today”(这是今天所有关于你的草稿我想说的。)说完,fischer博士长长地舒了一口气。
“thank you, for all your help, dr fischer”(谢谢你,就你所有给的帮助,fischer博士。)
“happy to help”(很高兴能帮到你。)fischer 博士面带微笑说道。
这下轮到老教授发言了。她喝了一口咖啡,平静地说“well, dr fischer has done her job now, aordg to what she’s told you, i’d like to provide so ideas if you don’t d ,you ay take down three pots first,……”(好了,fischer 博士已经完成了她的工作。现在,就她已经告诉你的,我还想提供一些想法。如果你不介意的话,你可以记下来三点。首先,……)
在最后,老教授总结说“as we said at first, it uld be a very good acadeic paper, if you work hard on it”(正如我们一开始说的,它会是一篇非常好的学术文章,如果你努力写好它。)
“thanks i will try y best”(谢谢。我会尽全力的。)
“i hope so dr fischer and i are very eager to see it published one day”(我希望如此。fischer博士和我非常希望看到它有一天发表出来。)
“good ck to you!”(祝你好运!)fischer博士带着期许说道。
“thank you”(谢谢你。)说完,婧芝把笔记本和笔放进包里。
老教授看了一眼时间,感叹道“ti files, isn’t it?”(时光飞逝啊,不是吗?)
fischer博士也看了一眼时间,耸耸肩膀,无奈地说“can’t agree you ore”(不能再同意了。)
老教授继续说“we will arrange another etg after you fish your send draft anythg to ntion before you leave?”(我们会在收到你的第二份草稿后组织另一次会面。在你离开之前还有什么想说吗?)
婧芝仔细思考了两秒钟,问道“when do you want to see y send draft?”(你们想要什么时候看我的第二份草稿?)
老教授思考了几秒钟,说道“well, i have to say as soon as possible but, take your ti, please i don’t want you to rh too uch at the begng around one onth will be fe, if you really need a deadle(好吧,我不得不说尽快。但是,请慢慢来。我不想你在最开始就匆忙地做。差不多一个月就很好,如果你真的需要一个最终期限。)
“i see thank you”(我明白了。谢谢你。)
“not at all i enjoyed it anyway, good ck to you”(别客气,很高兴能帮到你。不管怎么样,祝你好运。)说着,老教授站起来跟婧芝握手。
“thank you”(谢谢你。)婧芝微笑着说,“i’ very gd to et you, professor sith and dr fischer”
“you too”(我也是。)老教授微笑着说。
“you too”(我也是。)fischer博士也笑着说。
“see you ter”(再见。)婧芝道别说。
“see you”(再见。)
“see you”(再见。)